Exploring the Wonders of Nature: Phyl’s Academy Preschool’s STEAM Adventure with MODS STEMobile

(Photos below)

Phyl’s Academy Preschool recently had an enriching and interactive experience with MODS STEMobile, a unique museum on wheels that brings science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) education directly to the classroom. The theme of the day was “STEAM IN NATURE,” and the young learners at Phyl’s Academy had a fantastic time engaging in various activities that explored the wonders of the natural world.

Planting Creativity: “Diving into Artful Planting”

The students began their journey into the world of STEAM by exploring the fascinating process of “Artful Planting.” Armed with soil, seeds, and compostable materials, the preschoolers got their hands dirty, sowing seeds and creatively experimenting with different materials to understand the fundamentals of plant growth. This hands-on experience not only nurtured their understanding of the natural world but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Unveiling the Secrets of Bird’s Nests

Next on the agenda was a captivating exploration of bird’s nests and their vital role in our ecosystem. The young learners delved into the intricacies of nest-building, discovering how birds ingeniously construct these structures to protect and nurture their offspring. This activity not only sparked the children’s curiosity about wildlife but also emphasized the importance of preserving and respecting nature.

Crafted Masterpieces: Georgia O’Keeffe-Inspired Flower Art

Inspired by the renowned artist Georgia O’Keeffe, the preschoolers embarked on a creative journey to craft flower masterpieces. Using vibrant colors and different textures, the children expressed their artistic talents while learning about the beauty and diversity of flowers.

Sensory Wonders: Exploring Flowers Up Close

The visit concluded with an exploration of the sensory wonders of flowers. The children engaged in hands-on activities, feeling the textures, smelling the fragrances, and marveling at the intricate details of various blooms. This sensory experience not only stimulated their senses but also deepened their connection to the natural environment.

Phyl’s Academy Preschool’s visit to MODS STEMobile was a resounding success, providing young learners with a memorable and educational experience. The “STEAM IN NATURE” theme allowed the children to explore the interconnectedness of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics in the context of the natural world.  Such initiatives play a crucial role in fostering a love for learning and nurturing a generation that appreciates and cares for the wonders of our planet.

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  • 7205 Royal Palm Blvd, Margate, FL 33063
  • (954) 731-7524
  • (754) 205-5502
  • info@
We are avalaible for tours Monday-Fri